East Lothian’s contribution to Christian Aid Week


Last week I was informed that East Lothian had raised a large amount of money for Christian Aid week.  The theme of the annual fundraiser this year was focussed on the needs of those who have been hardest hit by the coronavirus in the poorest countries with the least developed health systems.

I’m really pleased to note that the work of the people of East Lothian raised over £35,000 this year – the 17th highest constituency figure out of the 650 across the UK.  I’m thankful to Christian Aid across the nations for recognising the global nature of this pandemic.  While it’s right that we work in our communities to make sure our friends, family and neighbours are protected from this virus, it is important that we remember there are many places around the world that are not as privileged as we are in the fight against Covid-19.  It is heartening to see that this compassion for our fellow humans across our globe is held so strongly in East Lothian.

I submitted an Early Day Motion recognising this achievement which can be read here.